Italian is the language for love and Italians are known to be passionate. Remember if they ask you on a date, it’s possible they’ll confess love on the very first date!
But how do you say you’re in love in Italian??
For that you have to first learn the verb essere which means “to be”.
- I am- io sono
- You are -tu sei
- She / it is- lei è
- He / it is- lui è
- We are- noi siamo
- All of you are- voi siete
- They are- loro sono
Contrary to English, it is not important in Italian to use the pronoun I, “you”, “she”, “it”, “they”, “we” etc. Italians will often it themselves and that’s okay!
Sentences with this new verb “essere”
- Io sono innamorato di te!– I am in love with you!
- Io sono innamorato perso di te– I am madly in love with you!
- Tu sei la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata!– You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
- Lui è pazzo di gelosia– He is insanely jealous
- Lei è cotta di me– She has a crush on me
- Noi siamo presi d’amore per la nuova vicina di casa-We are consumed by love for the new neighbour
- Voi siete fidanzati– You (two) are engaged
- Loro sono innamorate del dentista-They are in love with the dentist
Sayings about love
Here are some popular Italian sayings:
Il primo amore non si scorda mai– You never forget your first love
L’amore è cieco-Love is blind
Lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore– Out of sight, out of heart
Al cuore non si comanda– You can’t rule the heart