Key Facts
- Understanding the Italian verb comprare means learning its conjugation: Io compro, Tu compri, Lei compra, etc.
- Regular -are verbs follow a consistent pattern in conjugation, replacing endings with -o, -i, -a, -iamo, -ate, -ano.
- Examples of -are verbs include parlare (to talk), pagare (to pay), and visitare (to visit).
- Contextual sentences illustrate the use of comprare in everyday situations, enhancing understanding of its practical application.
In this post, you will understand the Italian verb “comprare” which means to buy. So if you’re waiting to go to Milan and shop at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.
Comprare- to buy:
- Io compro-I buy
- Tu compri-You buy
- Lei compra-She / it buys
- Lui compra-He / it buys
- Noi compriamo-We buy
- Voi comprate- All of you buy
- Loro comprano- They buy
Examples with comprare:
- Quando compro dei vestiti, il mio conto in banca piange– Whenever I buy clothes, my bank account cries
- Tu compri gli occhiali da sole di Gucci– You buy a pair of Gucci sunglasses.
- Anna compra sempre le sue scarpe a Roma– Anna always buys her shoes in Roma.
- Noi compriamo ogni anno dei vestiti di Prada- Every year, we buy Prada clothes.
- Perchè voi comprate i vestiti del cane nei negozi di Armani?- Why do you buy the dog’s clothes in Armani stores?
- Non ho mai capito perchè gli italiani comprano solo vestiti di marca- I’ve never understood why Italians only buy brand clothes.
Pattern of verbs ending with “are”:
Most of the verbs ending with “-are” end in the same way. The trick is to replace the endings as learned above in the example of comprare.
- -o
- -i
- -a
- -iamo
- -ate
- -ano
Other “-are” verbs:
- Parlare- To talk
- Pagare- To pay
- Prenotare- To book (reserve)
- Camminare- To walk
- Entrare- To enter
- Nuotare- To swim
- Fumare- To smoke
- Visitare- To visit